Greetings and salutations!
How was everyone's week? Another week has passed, another weekend arrives. A pretty uneventful week for me, most of it filled with anxiety and stress over one assignment and my thesis progress. OK, I can hear some of you asking me how can I be under stress with only one day of school, one module this semester and my thesis. Well, I still do. Duh.

I guess the only interesting thing that happened was the arrival of my iPod nano on Monday. Its a pretty amazing product. Seriously, the pictures are deceiving. Its smaller than what you see on the pictures and the commercials. You have to hold one in your hands to believe it. Apple has really done it again. Their design team is really doing an awesome job at putting very desirable products out on the market. Those who are close to me enough would know that I am a fan of Apple and the Macintosh computer system. In fact, some go as far as to call me a "Mac addict". Eunice even calls me an Apple snob!
Well its true that I adore Apple products and sometimes, I am very enthusiatic about Mac related issues. I support the Mac platform and even promote it to my friends. But that does not make me a "snob"..... All I am trying to do is to shed some light and dispel various misconceptions of the Mac! You see, I switched to Apple after many frustrating years of using Microsoft's Windows OS. I've been there. Windows 3.1, Win 95, Win 98, Win 98 SE, Win 2000 etc etc. Now most of my memories of those years consisted of the blue screen of death*, late nights of trouble shooting the computer, hardware and software conflicts, system hanging/crashing, data getting lost and corrupted, VIRUSES, spam pop ups, warnings that are not in understandable jargon, auto shut downs, problems booting up....... the list goes on.

(*the blue screen of death)
Now, I'm not saying that everyone's problems are the same, I've seen so many people asking for their computer to explode. They never maintain their computers, they don't protect it, they don't organise their files and stuff properly. Even a Mac won't save such people. But I'm a control freak when it comes to my computer. Everything is stored properly in the appropriate folders and locations. I do regular maintenance on my system, I scan for viruses every week, I clear my junk etc etc. But windows just wasn't cutting it for me. When I was introduced to the mac, my computing life changed forever.
Mac OS just simply, works. It doesn't hang or crash. You never ever feel worried about installing and un-installing software. Viruses? ->Non existant. Everything just runs smoothly. I get all my stuff done and did I mention that everything's pleasing to the eye? I've never had one single compatibility problem when working with a Mac. Everything that I did on windows, I can do better on a Mac. I've also found that Mac products make good conversation starters.
Anyhow, I better stop this Apple talk since most of you are gonna be reading this on your windows machines and I don't want the blog to take so long to load that I hang your browser. haha later.