Hey ya'll!
I've over done it this time. I went wakeboarding for almost 4 hours and under the intense sun without sun block. This wouldn't have been a problem a few years back when I'd be under the sun almost everyday but after being in Melbourne for the past two and a half years, my skin has become sissy and white. I'm now suffering from a bad case of sun burn. My torso and face is a bright tomato red and every move I make hurts. I can't move around when I sleep and wearing a T shirt is a painful experience.
Half a tube of Aloe Vera gel later and I'm still trying to cool my skin down. Sigh. Anyone got any suggestions for a quick fix?
Monday, January 23, 2006
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
maunderings of a recovering fluer
So there I was, sniffling and wheezing my nose off, watching re-runs of some old episode of the Gilmore girls. Did you know that channel 5 plays re-runs in the afternoons nowadays? Sure beats the crap out of watching that dumb "days of our lives" which never made any sense to me. The actors in that show always talked like they were living in some high altitude housing establishment where the air was so thin they had to take a deep breath before every word. *HEAVE, "Penelope, " *INHALE, "I Love...." *INHALE "butter cookies". Bizarre.
So as I was saying, I was wallowing in fluish misery and watching the gilmore girls when suddenly, it hit me. A sheer stroke of brilliance. Yes, the folded cardboard box from the new brillance TV set came crashing down on me and squashed me before i could even release one of my manly high pitch shrieks. The steamy cup of jasmine green tea in my hands that was supposed to bring me comfort only provided agony as it spilled onto my chest and trickled down to my urmmmm, lets just say, non-green-tea appreciating area.
At this point I heard laughter. Laughter that was distinctively female. The gilmore girls were laughing on TV, and very heartily as well. I didn't know what they were laughing at but it sure felt like it was me. The poor guy who was suffering from the flu, got crushed by folded cardboard boxes and spilled fragrant green tea on his own nuts, in his own room, a supposedly safe-haven from the evils of the world.
I then decided to take the dog out for a walk. Some fresh air would do me good.
So as I was saying, I was wallowing in fluish misery and watching the gilmore girls when suddenly, it hit me. A sheer stroke of brilliance. Yes, the folded cardboard box from the new brillance TV set came crashing down on me and squashed me before i could even release one of my manly high pitch shrieks. The steamy cup of jasmine green tea in my hands that was supposed to bring me comfort only provided agony as it spilled onto my chest and trickled down to my urmmmm, lets just say, non-green-tea appreciating area.
At this point I heard laughter. Laughter that was distinctively female. The gilmore girls were laughing on TV, and very heartily as well. I didn't know what they were laughing at but it sure felt like it was me. The poor guy who was suffering from the flu, got crushed by folded cardboard boxes and spilled fragrant green tea on his own nuts, in his own room, a supposedly safe-haven from the evils of the world.
I then decided to take the dog out for a walk. Some fresh air would do me good.
Saturday, January 14, 2006
D is sick
Argh, the flu bug has got me. How could this have happened? Sigh there are just too many people crammed into the same space at any given moment I tell ya. Thats Singapore. Gross. It makes it so easy for the virus to jump from one person to another like fleas jumping from dog to dog.
It doesn't help that I've been sleeping weird hours and not excerising much too. My resistance to the pesky bug must be at an all time low. I seldom get sick! What a sucky feeling. The fever kept me tossing and turning last night and my brain was getting fried! I kept thinking about how to convert poker chips into money! how random and totally whack is that?? now I've got a scratchy throat and a drippy nose. and my joints are achy too. Sigh.
You guys better take care of yourself. Eat more fruits and drink heaps of water! I'll be back in no time. AAAHHHHCCCHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOO!
It doesn't help that I've been sleeping weird hours and not excerising much too. My resistance to the pesky bug must be at an all time low. I seldom get sick! What a sucky feeling. The fever kept me tossing and turning last night and my brain was getting fried! I kept thinking about how to convert poker chips into money! how random and totally whack is that?? now I've got a scratchy throat and a drippy nose. and my joints are achy too. Sigh.
You guys better take care of yourself. Eat more fruits and drink heaps of water! I'll be back in no time. AAAHHHHCCCHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOO!
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
what a confusing week.
Jialing dumped a whole truckload of pictures on me and rattled off about some growing up story about Adrian and her and I'm supposed to come up with some amazing slideshow thingy for her wedding. *blink blink*
Played taboo with Sharon's Singapore cell group and apparently you get chicken pox once a year and guys love to put hair on their head. *scratches head*
Watched "the Dark" expecting to be freaked out of my pants. Its been a while since I saw a good horror flick, but I walked out of the theatre feeling confused and more bored than I was before the show. *blink blink*
I'm getting more and more reluctant to leave Singapore to return to Melbourne. Do I really want to live and work there? *blink blink*
What am I gonna do with my life? Shouldn't I have developed some sort of ambition by now? Going to uni definately didn't provide any hints. *scratch*
When am I going wakeboarding again and with who? *blink blink*
Taxi, LOTR and other misc DVD marathons? Do i have the time? *blink*
I'm leaving on the 7th of FEB?? Thats not much time left here!!! I haven't had a decent plate of chicken rice or nasi lemak yet! *ARGH*
Jialing dumped a whole truckload of pictures on me and rattled off about some growing up story about Adrian and her and I'm supposed to come up with some amazing slideshow thingy for her wedding. *blink blink*
Played taboo with Sharon's Singapore cell group and apparently you get chicken pox once a year and guys love to put hair on their head. *scratches head*
Watched "the Dark" expecting to be freaked out of my pants. Its been a while since I saw a good horror flick, but I walked out of the theatre feeling confused and more bored than I was before the show. *blink blink*
I'm getting more and more reluctant to leave Singapore to return to Melbourne. Do I really want to live and work there? *blink blink*
What am I gonna do with my life? Shouldn't I have developed some sort of ambition by now? Going to uni definately didn't provide any hints. *scratch*
When am I going wakeboarding again and with who? *blink blink*
Taxi, LOTR and other misc DVD marathons? Do i have the time? *blink*
I'm leaving on the 7th of FEB?? Thats not much time left here!!! I haven't had a decent plate of chicken rice or nasi lemak yet! *ARGH*
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Action packed
Righto! Enough of wordy, thought heavy entries. Let's get down to some updates of what I've been up to and some visuals! We need PICTURES!
I guess the highlight of Christmas in 2005 must've been my pajama party. After a mad rush to different places and meeting many faces, I finally settled down at the Merchant Court hotel for the last christmas stop. There, I kicked off my shoes, got into my PJs and got cosy with my best bunch of buddies where we laughed, sang and made merry. Oh and we had Cranium too.

but the fun really upped a notch on the last 3 days of 2005 when I went wakeboarding! First was with Sharon, Amanda and Louis. It was a pleasure introducing them to the sport and a definite delight when they could all stand and successfully wakeboard. 2 days later, I went with Melissa, Mark, Geok and Mun and we had a blast too. It was an awesome feeling riding the boat under the big open sky and the rush of the wind as you wakeboard.

So what better way to spend the new year than being with your friends? Though I would've preferred not having to rush around to meet different friends at different places, ultimately, I had a great time with some of my closest friends as we transited from 2005 into 2006. The highlight of the moment was catching the flares and fireworks go off at multiple locations, but being able to enjoy it from the same spot. Priceless. Too bad I didn't have my camera with me then.
BUT! I did have my camera when we were all huddled into this place called settler's cafe where you can pig out on various finger foods and play all sorts of games from all over the world. There are so many games in this place that you've never heard of in your life. However, besides the fun of the board games and having your friends there with you, what I really enjoyed was watching the "game masters" trying to explain to you how a game is played, and then the blank look on their faces when you correct them (after reading the rules hur hur hur....)

Its gonna be a great year ahead so enjoy it everyone! Most importantly, inject a huge dose of fun into your life, be happy and let your friends know how important they are! Later~
I guess the highlight of Christmas in 2005 must've been my pajama party. After a mad rush to different places and meeting many faces, I finally settled down at the Merchant Court hotel for the last christmas stop. There, I kicked off my shoes, got into my PJs and got cosy with my best bunch of buddies where we laughed, sang and made merry. Oh and we had Cranium too.

but the fun really upped a notch on the last 3 days of 2005 when I went wakeboarding! First was with Sharon, Amanda and Louis. It was a pleasure introducing them to the sport and a definite delight when they could all stand and successfully wakeboard. 2 days later, I went with Melissa, Mark, Geok and Mun and we had a blast too. It was an awesome feeling riding the boat under the big open sky and the rush of the wind as you wakeboard.

So what better way to spend the new year than being with your friends? Though I would've preferred not having to rush around to meet different friends at different places, ultimately, I had a great time with some of my closest friends as we transited from 2005 into 2006. The highlight of the moment was catching the flares and fireworks go off at multiple locations, but being able to enjoy it from the same spot. Priceless. Too bad I didn't have my camera with me then.
BUT! I did have my camera when we were all huddled into this place called settler's cafe where you can pig out on various finger foods and play all sorts of games from all over the world. There are so many games in this place that you've never heard of in your life. However, besides the fun of the board games and having your friends there with you, what I really enjoyed was watching the "game masters" trying to explain to you how a game is played, and then the blank look on their faces when you correct them (after reading the rules hur hur hur....)

Its gonna be a great year ahead so enjoy it everyone! Most importantly, inject a huge dose of fun into your life, be happy and let your friends know how important they are! Later~
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Remember Lot's wife
At the blink of an eye, 2006 has arrived. As I was driving home alone along the ECP after rushing around to numerous places and dropping friends off, I decided to put the car into slow cruise control and reflect on what 2005 has meant for me.
For starters, I got into a great church where I made a great new bunch of friends. Some of them have left deep impressions in my life and I know that they're friends for life. I also drew closer to God in the process. Amen!
I graduated and wrapped up the acedemic chapter of my life. I got my Engineering degree. With honors too! I had a shaky start and thank God I've made it and ended strong. Again, I made a great bunch of friends from Monash and I'll never forget the times we had together.
I've stepped up a few notches in my passion for snowboarding and what an amazing winter i had in 2005! At least I didn't become boring and dormant in Australia. I managed to introduce more people to the amazing sport of wakeboarding in the last 3 days of 2005! And I wakeboarded properly as well and got some decent water time. I feel so healthy now. haha.
but as with any other year, its never ever smooth sailing. I've been thrown into a confusing and ambiguous stage of my life since i graduated and I also ended a turbulent relationship.
and then I remembered what I heard in church on new year's eve. Lot's wife turned into a pillar of salt when she looked back at the destruction of Sodom. God never meant for us to look back. Don't look back at your past sins that have been forgiven, don't look back at the hurt you were dealt, don't look back at past victories and be contented. and don't look back at one more thing but I cannot remember (I really should bring a notebook to church from now on!). But its ok, coz pastor prayed for a blessing of forgetfulness for us to forget all the bad things in our lives. (maybe it was too effective and made me forget the 4th thing that you shouldn't look back on?)
So yeah! 2006 is looking good for me. its gonna be an awesome year and I'm looking up to God for guidance and i'm looking forward to the adventures that await me! HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE AND HAVE A SMASHING 2006!
For starters, I got into a great church where I made a great new bunch of friends. Some of them have left deep impressions in my life and I know that they're friends for life. I also drew closer to God in the process. Amen!
I graduated and wrapped up the acedemic chapter of my life. I got my Engineering degree. With honors too! I had a shaky start and thank God I've made it and ended strong. Again, I made a great bunch of friends from Monash and I'll never forget the times we had together.
I've stepped up a few notches in my passion for snowboarding and what an amazing winter i had in 2005! At least I didn't become boring and dormant in Australia. I managed to introduce more people to the amazing sport of wakeboarding in the last 3 days of 2005! And I wakeboarded properly as well and got some decent water time. I feel so healthy now. haha.
but as with any other year, its never ever smooth sailing. I've been thrown into a confusing and ambiguous stage of my life since i graduated and I also ended a turbulent relationship.
and then I remembered what I heard in church on new year's eve. Lot's wife turned into a pillar of salt when she looked back at the destruction of Sodom. God never meant for us to look back. Don't look back at your past sins that have been forgiven, don't look back at the hurt you were dealt, don't look back at past victories and be contented. and don't look back at one more thing but I cannot remember (I really should bring a notebook to church from now on!). But its ok, coz pastor prayed for a blessing of forgetfulness for us to forget all the bad things in our lives. (maybe it was too effective and made me forget the 4th thing that you shouldn't look back on?)
So yeah! 2006 is looking good for me. its gonna be an awesome year and I'm looking up to God for guidance and i'm looking forward to the adventures that await me! HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE AND HAVE A SMASHING 2006!
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