Phooooo Weeeee! I haven't blogged in ages! Time sure flies and now, one by one my fellow course mates are being posted out! Joe's gone to Beijing while Michelle is on the plane to LAX as I type this. Well I guess its just them and Bob for now since Kenrick, Reuben and I are still stuck here in good o'l Singapore. Not for too long I hope.
Good luck you guys who are out there now though I hear that our friends in China won't be able to read this coz of the ban on blogger by the government there. Whats up with that??
Oh and Bob has gone to Japan for a holiday.
Again. He barely got married and already he's on his second honeymoon. I waved goodbye to him at F54 today while I was on duty doing the departure south wing. Yes, while I was on DUTY.
Which reminds me, ever wondered how you're on duty and then BAM! something happens with a passenger which requires the immediate attention of the DM. That really erks me. When we're out on our rounds, the ground staff always act like we're flies bothering them and then suddenly the walkie goes off "DM XXXX can you please go to gate XXX. The staff there needs your help" and when we get there its always, "eh boss, sorry ah, I don't know how to handle this"
But thats not what I wanna talk about, rather, its how we react to those extraordinary situations. I gotta be honest, whenever I'm in the shower, my mind is always buzzing on overload and conjuring up scenarios that can happen at work. And I ALWAYS have an amazing retort or sentence to say to a passenger for whatever reason they give at all. Be it at the check-in counter, at the departure gates or on board the plane! You name it and I'll settle it. But then when it comes down to it, when the passenger is glaring at you and demanding the 9 planets (or is it 8 now? I'm not sure anymore) those amazing pre-molded answers go flying out the window and is promptly minced up by the nearest rolls-royce trent engine on a boeing. Instead, what comes out of my mouth is an unflattering, "Oh....uh....I see. Sorry". Well sometimes at least.
Thats not right. The passengers should be afraid of ME! They should be at my mercy since I determine if they are to get on the plane or not. In those few hours that they fly on the airline, their lives belong to me! Muahahahaha.
Right. Well it doesn't always happen that way. Most of the time I'm stumped coz I cannot fathom what the passenger wants anyway. Either that or I just cannot decipher what they are saying. Sigh, its the nature of the job I reckon. We get better at this with each passing day. Righto, time for bed mates! Hope y'all are having a great time! Later~