Thursday, 11th day of December in the year 2008. A really bad day in the office. Too many morons at work. It drains me. And my car is still in the workshop after all this time. Of course it is, this is Saudi Arabia.
I've had to resort to depending on one of my staff to drive me to work and back home again. So dropping myself into the passenger seat tonight, my staff was still wary of the fury I unleashed at the whole team earlier on. He cranked the car to life and we began the journey home.
"You want get something to eat boss?" Ayman asked, "Nah, I'm tired, I'll just go home thanks." Ayman then turned up the radio in his car that was tuned in to some "hip" station that played the trendiest arabic music. Everything sounded like crap to me. Some ludicrous arabic techno started blaring out the speakers. "oohhh, this is nice song" Ayman remarked. "are you kidding? I'd rather listen to sheep getting slaughtered." "You don't like?" he asked. "no".
At that very moment, a car overtook us at what felt like 2000km/h and as he passed, you could see that his boot was opened and there was a sheep in it. A sheep! "hey look at that, a sheep in that car boot." I said and Ayman proceeded to explain that the car was probably heading to Mecca for some sacrificial ceremony. Poor thing. As if the mad car ride in the boot wasn't enough to kill it.
"WATCH OUT FOR THE CAMEL!" I yelled as Ayman swerved the car and narrowly missed a camel that was walking at the side of the road.
Soon i reached my compound and Ayman dropped me off. "Goodnight Ayman, thanks for the ride." "No problem boss. Everything ok?"
Yeah, everything's fine except for this zoo of a country that I'm working in, I thought to myself. "Ya I'm good. See you tomorrow."