I suddenly miss home, or rather, I miss the life I had before I left NTU and transferred to Melbourne. Its like a combination of external factors triggered an effect within me that released some emotions and memories. Well, I was driving to the airport to pick up Ronny, Esther and Kelvin for our falls creek ski trip and it was a bright sun shiny day (which is rare in Melbourne during winter). So, turned off the A/C, opened the windows and the sunroof and turned up the music. Awesome! Linkin Park was playing in my CD player, man, that Chester (?) guy can really scream throughout the whole song man.
Anyhow, those factors triggered the nostalgic feeling I had. In an instant, memories of me zooming around in my FTO in singapore with the windows and sunroof open came to my mind. All my friends that enjoyed those moments with me popped up. Times when I was listening to linkin park on Frankie's boat when I go wakeboarding flashed past. The rushing wind, the salty water.... I could almost taste it. All the people I hung out with and grumbled with when I studied in NTU and lived in the halls appeared. All my friends, the places, the humidity, the comfort, the familiarity. Everything. I was actually having a blast back then! I wonder why I complained so much. I wonder why I left?
Back in the days when I used Xanga to blog, I remember mulitple entries where I was lamenting and complaining about how miserable I was in Australia. Sometimes, I wonder, "did i make the right choice?" and "why would I want to leave all that behind?"
the funny thing is that, I was clearly unhappy and miserable about studying in NTU too! I mean, C'mon! 8 subjects a semester? No chance of underloading? Thats crazy man. But I did have heaps of fun and a great life aside from my studies. But I guess the NTU bit was so overwhelming that it made life pretty miserable.
Now, as I go through uni and life in Australia, things are different. And sometimes, I feel like I should've stayed in Singapore and all that. But I'm pretty sure its human nature, coz the day I really do leave Australia for good, I'll be looking back and wondering the same thing too. I'll remember all the fun and amazing things I did, and all the fond memories I had. I think humans are never satisfied about their current position. They'll always complain and bitch about their current situation and reminisce about the past and look toward a better future. But when they get to that future, the whole cycle repeats and once again we're unhappy.
I know that coz I go through that my whole life~! Look. When I was in the army serving NS, I used to be miserable and would count the days till I ORD ( ORD is the term which means you're done). I wanted out of there so much! I was looking forward to going to NTU to study and have a wonderful life as a student. So, finally got out of NS and into NTU. I was miserable! terrible studying schedule. Lack of sleep, all the stress. I'd sigh and think aloud, "Gosh, NS was so carefree and relaxing! no stress at all, just listen to orders and run around mindlessly". I looked forward to a better future. I thought Melbourne was the key to my search for happiness. Now I'm here. Am I happy? well, not as happy as I thought I'd be. I still suffer from misery, stress and frustration. Same old looking back at the past and thinking "NS was a good time" or "Life in NTU was awesome".
Humans. Sigh.
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Rumble up on Mt Buller
Yo peeps! Everyone's feeling fine I hope. I know I'm feeling awesome deep down inside, but on the outside......Oh my poor achey sore body. So Eunice and I decided to take advantage of the amazing value for tertiary students up in Mt Buller . Yup, tertiary students get an amazing 50% discount on lift passes every Tuesday! Thats like $42 to ski/board on Mt buller for the whole day, Groovy.
Besides, we bought our own gear so better make it worthwhile ya? There's my snowboard. Its an Option Redline 162 fitted with Technine's Dominator Pro bindings. Its a pretty sweet ride. Responsive, smooth, and very fast. In fact, I think its too fast. It goes faster than my body does, and thats not a good thing. All my previous snowboarding experiences have been on rented boards and somehow they seem more urmmmm.....forgiving? They take a while to get up to speed, and the bite of an edge didn't come as drastically as my redline. With this board, a tiny mistake on my edging will send me plunging into the snow and knocking the wind out of my body. Did I mention it takes off like a jet already? I guess its kinda like one of those wild horses you always see in the movies thats throwing people off all the time, and some cowboy has to really struggle to tame it? Yup, I've gotta tame this beast. Gotta learn how to control it properly.
So anyway, we had an awesome time at the snow. The weather was great, the snow was amazing and it wasn't too crowded. Eunice got in more runs than me though. She's always zooming off on her skis. What a showoff. Its great to be having fun at the top of the mountain. The scenery is breathtaking I tell ya. Its all worth it. Even though I'm aching all over and I have a few bruises and a sore bum. We managed to take some pictures but I'm too lazy to post them up here. Besides, you can see most of them at Eunice's blog. I can't wait for next week when we hit the snows once again at Fall's Creek with the MUMSU gang. Let it snow, let it snow, let it sssnnnnooooowwwwwww!
Time for bed! Later~

So anyway, we had an awesome time at the snow. The weather was great, the snow was amazing and it wasn't too crowded. Eunice got in more runs than me though. She's always zooming off on her skis. What a showoff. Its great to be having fun at the top of the mountain. The scenery is breathtaking I tell ya. Its all worth it. Even though I'm aching all over and I have a few bruises and a sore bum. We managed to take some pictures but I'm too lazy to post them up here. Besides, you can see most of them at Eunice's blog. I can't wait for next week when we hit the snows once again at Fall's Creek with the MUMSU gang. Let it snow, let it snow, let it sssnnnnooooowwwwwww!
Time for bed! Later~
Friday, July 15, 2005
Fear Factor
Greetings all! And how's everyone doing today? Well, for all those who know me, or have been reading muh blog will know that I was in Sydney last week for the Hillsong conference. Well, the conference ended on Friday and thus I had the whole weekend to get out and about to some of my favourite hunts in Sydney.
So on Saturday, I met up with muh fellow engineering buddy William and his girlfriend Sue-anne, along with Eunice and Ronny, and headed down to the Sydney fish market. I love the fish market. Its nothing like the wet and dirty ones you think of when you hear "fish market". Its pretty touristy this one, and there you get lots of seafood! GLORIOUS SEAFOOD!! I always enjoy going there, get stuffed on my favourite seafood platter. Lobster, Crabs, prawns, calamari, baby octopus, fish and chips and lemon on everything! YUMMY! But that Saturday was a little different. It was gonna be a little fear factor day for me.
I'm sure you guys have seen that show right? Fear factor? Where they make contestants do scary stuff and eat unimaginable junk?
So there I was, queueing up to pay for my platter when I saw this couple. They were upper-middle aged, probably in their late 40s ~ early 50s. They were just standing a few feet from me, inspecting this styrofoam box filled with sea urchins. Sea urchins! They're those things that you learnt about in primary school! They're poisonous and spikey and if you step on them while walking barefooted in the sea, you will DIE! (or something along that line) So anyhow, these Korean fellas, they look and they fiddle and they toss a few of those urchins around in the box and then finally they buy 5 of em'. I hear them ask the dude behind the counter, "Can you cut them open for us? We eat here." I was like, "EAT? EAT those urchins??" I thought maybe they were buying the critters to play extreme tennis or to hide them in the shoes of some neighbour they didn't like. I was freaked out. So, I quickly ran over to them, and bought 1 for myself. "I would like mine cut too thanks!"
I had to try it. How exciting! You can eat the weirdest things man. So I got my Urchin and I brought it back to the table and Eunice wasn't impressed. And I don't blame her. Look at it. I mean, LOOK AT IT! Click on it to see a bigger picture! Who in the right mind would eat that?? I have always wondered, what kind of lunatic would go into the sea, dig up an oyster and then pry it open to eat the gross and disgusting looking stuff in it?? Now I know. Its the lunatic who saw another lunatic crack open an urchin to eat it. So how did it taste? I don't really know actually. Its kinda Oysterish.... but my adrenaline could've numbed my tastebuds, plus i had lots of wasabi and soya sauce to help me. Would I recommend it? For an experience, sure! Go for it! For an everyday appetizer before your main meal, forget it.... stick to pickles and salads.

Gosh, I think I was feeling sick for the next 2 hours at least. I dunno if It was psychological, or intestinal. The fella behind the counter told me to slurp every single bit of it down from the shell. He said thats how the Koreans eat it. He's nuts. And if the Koreans really eat it like that, they're nuts too. I didn't slurp it down by the way. I only sampled differene parts of it, based on the colors. Gross.

I'm sure you guys have seen that show right? Fear factor? Where they make contestants do scary stuff and eat unimaginable junk?
So there I was, queueing up to pay for my platter when I saw this couple. They were upper-middle aged, probably in their late 40s ~ early 50s. They were just standing a few feet from me, inspecting this styrofoam box filled with sea urchins. Sea urchins! They're those things that you learnt about in primary school! They're poisonous and spikey and if you step on them while walking barefooted in the sea, you will DIE! (or something along that line) So anyhow, these Korean fellas, they look and they fiddle and they toss a few of those urchins around in the box and then finally they buy 5 of em'. I hear them ask the dude behind the counter, "Can you cut them open for us? We eat here." I was like, "EAT? EAT those urchins??" I thought maybe they were buying the critters to play extreme tennis or to hide them in the shoes of some neighbour they didn't like. I was freaked out. So, I quickly ran over to them, and bought 1 for myself. "I would like mine cut too thanks!"

Gosh, I think I was feeling sick for the next 2 hours at least. I dunno if It was psychological, or intestinal. The fella behind the counter told me to slurp every single bit of it down from the shell. He said thats how the Koreans eat it. He's nuts. And if the Koreans really eat it like that, they're nuts too. I didn't slurp it down by the way. I only sampled differene parts of it, based on the colors. Gross.
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Epitomised Euphorical Emotions
Today, the 13th day of the month of July in the year 2005, will go down in my record book as an amazing day. Yeap, it is one of the goodest days of my life. Why?
1) My advanced birthday present from my mom and pops came via a friend returning to Melbourne after his winter break holiday in Singapore. My new Apple Cinema display! It makes my photos come to life. So much screen real estate to move windows around now. Brilliant! Thanks Shaun! THANKS MOM AND DAD! LOVE YA GUYS HEAPS!
2) My exams results came out. I got 3 D's and a HD! Haha! And I study engineering! 3 Distinctions and a higher distinction is not something that comes by very often in engineering (I think?) haha. It should though. What a great way to end a hectic and stressful semester! One more sem to go! Bring it ON!
3) I cleaned my kitchen thoroughly. DUH. I'm happy when my kitchen is clean.
Ok, but mainly coz of my results and my new display, I'll be beaming for the rest of the week. Come on all you shiny happy people! :-D
Our God is an awesome God
He reigns from heaven above
With wisdom, power and love
Our God is an awesome God
1) My advanced birthday present from my mom and pops came via a friend returning to Melbourne after his winter break holiday in Singapore. My new Apple Cinema display! It makes my photos come to life. So much screen real estate to move windows around now. Brilliant! Thanks Shaun! THANKS MOM AND DAD! LOVE YA GUYS HEAPS!
2) My exams results came out. I got 3 D's and a HD! Haha! And I study engineering! 3 Distinctions and a higher distinction is not something that comes by very often in engineering (I think?) haha. It should though. What a great way to end a hectic and stressful semester! One more sem to go! Bring it ON!
3) I cleaned my kitchen thoroughly. DUH. I'm happy when my kitchen is clean.
Ok, but mainly coz of my results and my new display, I'll be beaming for the rest of the week. Come on all you shiny happy people! :-D
Our God is an awesome God
He reigns from heaven above
With wisdom, power and love
Our God is an awesome God
Greetings all! How's everyone doing?? So its been a one week absence from nonsensilism but WHAT A WEEK!! I was down in Sydney for the Hillsong conference 2005 and its my second consecutive Hillsong conference. Did you know that the Hillsong conference has been going on for 19 years now? Its gonna be their 20th anniversary for the conference next year. Its gonna be awesome I reckon.
For those who don't know, Hillsong is one of the biggest churches in Australia. They're very Charismatic. VERY. A lot of traditional or conservative churches frown upon them (my ex church being one.... ) But I tell you, they are an awesome church! You get blown away by their worship and praise. So much passion, so much praise, so much love, TOO MUCH PEOPLE. Just check out the jam packed sydney olympic park super dome.
Besides the praise and worship, you also get a whole bunch of amazing and annointed speakers. These preachers really inspire and put the power and fire of God within you. Its a difficult feeling to describe, coz you gotta be there to truely experience it. (Or I'm just too lazy to find the right words to relate right now). Reinhard Bonnke, Joyce Meyer, John Maxwell, Brian Houston and more. These people are like the super heros of the christian faith! Oh, Micheal W Smith and CeCe Winans were there too to pitch in with the musical aspect of the conference. Sweet.
I really enjoyed the conference. STRENGTH. That was this year's theme. And strengthen it did. I feel recharged and ready for the world again. I always come out feeling awesome from these conferences. Like everything in your life has been set right and there is no problem too big that you can't handle (with God by your side). The conference is really full on. Getting up at 7am every morning, attending praise and worship, sermons, workshop and clinics the whole day. Morning Rallys. Night Rallys. By the time you get home its 11pm. And I tell you, 5 days in a row of this, your body and your feet will ache. Your mind will be exhausted. But Your spirit. Gosh, your spirit is SO ALIVE!
The thing is, its unfortunate that we humans need this occasional (annual?) big knock on the head to remind us how wonderful God is and what he can do for us. Thats something I'm still working on. I won't be able to do anything on my own. Only through God will doors and paths open for us. I pray that I will remain strong in him and through him. I know God loves me. He gave me a free CD of the new hillsong album at the conference!

The thing is, its unfortunate that we humans need this occasional (annual?) big knock on the head to remind us how wonderful God is and what he can do for us. Thats something I'm still working on. I won't be able to do anything on my own. Only through God will doors and paths open for us. I pray that I will remain strong in him and through him. I know God loves me. He gave me a free CD of the new hillsong album at the conference!

Sunday, July 03, 2005
Anyone followed the series "LOST"? How good is that show?? Ok, so some people don't really like it but I reckon its an awesome show! And not just for entertainment value. It tugs at a spot deep within me, a spot that has been dying to come out and run free. Anyone read the book wild at heart by John Eldredge? I think that really explains how I feel pretty well.
So this group of people survive a plane crash on some island that no one knows where. They're stranded and it seems like no ones coming to rescue them. So they rough it out, try to survive. Day by day you see them struggle to make sense of the situation and live. It doesn't help that there are weird things happening on the island too. So, this may not sound appealing to many, but when I watched it, I was thinking to myself, how cool would it be to be there with them? What an adventure! I'm so sick and tired of this everyday modern urban lifestyle. Wake up in the morning, have a cup of coffee, eat a bowl of cereal, drag myself to school, try to make sense of lectures, come home, cook dinner, surf the internet...... you get the idea. Life as we know it isn't much of an adventure. How mundane. I guess we could go bush walking or camping and explore the wilderness once in a while, but then after that its back to our 'boring old life'.
I need to get out and really run free. Bash out of the constraints of social norms and have a thrill. Open my eyes to see what mother earth really has to offer. Some danger would be fun, as long as I live to tell the tale. I think the term "live your life" describes what I want to do, just that many people have the wrong concept of what living your life is. Look at the bible, The lives of all the awesome people that have been documented in the holy book. They all had amazing adventurous lives! They ran through the wilderness, faced death in the eye, fought wars. They had Adventures.
ad·ven·ture P Pronunciation Key (d-vnchr)
- An undertaking or enterprise of a hazardous nature.
- An undertaking of a questionable nature, especially one involving intervention in another state's affairs.
- An unusual or exciting experience: an adventure in dining.
- Participation in hazardous or exciting experiences: the love of adventure.
Anyhow, who knows what God has planned for me. Hmmmm, I shouldn't be talking about plane crashes and stuff on the night before I fly to Sydney! Ack. Dear Lord, thank you for the blessings you have delivered unto me. I pray that you grant me and Eunice Journey mercy tomorrow as we fly to Sydney for a whole week of worshipping you and learning about you at Hillsong conference. Also, I want to pray for my Sister and Sharon who will be flying back to Singapore tomorrow as well. I pray that you keep them safe as they make the journey home to good ol' Singapore. Grant us all good health as we meet friends and loved ones and keep us safe in whatever we do. In Jesus' name I trust and pray, AMEN!
Saturday, July 02, 2005
Photos anyone?
Hope everyone had a good evening?
Today was a pretty productive day. Why? Coz I managed to get the skeleton of a website up and running. I promised to help a friend with this project of his. Thus, I was required to summon up my rusty HTML skills and crank the creative juices. Its a pretty interesting project. Its called the photo project (tentatively) and I'm a part of it too.
Muh man Ashley Koek had this novel idea of creating a website and getting members to submit a picture every month with a pre-determined theme. This month's theme was "tired". Anyhow, he emailed friends and associates, and they emailed friends and associates, and in the end, heaps of people wanted to be a part of it. So the photos came flowing in! But the website wasn't even up yet and I was having exams so I guess things got delayed. Anyhow, the exams are over and I've gotta fulfill my promise. Now if only I had a proper domain to upload the website to (YOU READING THIS ASHLEY??? STOP SLACKING!!!!).
So thats basically it. Hopefully the website will be a success and we'll get to see tonnes of pictures with photographers' interpretations of the themes. Any of you guys reading this are welcomed to be a part of the photo project. Drop me an email or hit me with a message to let me know if you're interested and we'll set it up! Groovy.
Today was a pretty productive day. Why? Coz I managed to get the skeleton of a website up and running. I promised to help a friend with this project of his. Thus, I was required to summon up my rusty HTML skills and crank the creative juices. Its a pretty interesting project. Its called the photo project (tentatively) and I'm a part of it too.
Muh man Ashley Koek had this novel idea of creating a website and getting members to submit a picture every month with a pre-determined theme. This month's theme was "tired". Anyhow, he emailed friends and associates, and they emailed friends and associates, and in the end, heaps of people wanted to be a part of it. So the photos came flowing in! But the website wasn't even up yet and I was having exams so I guess things got delayed. Anyhow, the exams are over and I've gotta fulfill my promise. Now if only I had a proper domain to upload the website to (YOU READING THIS ASHLEY??? STOP SLACKING!!!!).
So thats basically it. Hopefully the website will be a success and we'll get to see tonnes of pictures with photographers' interpretations of the themes. Any of you guys reading this are welcomed to be a part of the photo project. Drop me an email or hit me with a message to let me know if you're interested and we'll set it up! Groovy.
Friday, July 01, 2005
An Absolute day of nothingness
What a Boring day! Absolutely nothing interesting happened at all today! Gosh! Got up in the morning (urmmm, ok 1:30pm isn't exaactly morning but its the holidays!) had some breakfast and then paid some bills. Had to make sure all the bills were settled before they were due, plus I'm heading to sydney for the hillsong conference in a couple of days time. How depressing (the bills).
Anyhow, we decided to head over to the crumpler warehouse over at glenferrie road down in Hawthorn. What an absolute disappointment! The prices went exactly "warehouse" prices. Hell, the designs weren't even nice at all! Crappy design, crappy product. ( I know i'm pissing off a lot of crumpler fans out there, but I don't care! wahahahaha) I can't believe I used to carry one of those bags. I remember when i first got one years ago, hmmm, 4 years ago I reckon. I loved it so much then!

Ok, I'll admit, its a nice bag, pretty functional, good size, ok materials. I even went on to buy another a year later! But then, suddenly, EVERYONE had a crumpler bag. And I mean EVERYONE. Every school kid, everyone in uni, everyone on the streets, even the toddlers in their prams had one while they were being pushed in the park by crumpler toting GRANDMAS! Suddenly the sling bag that I loved became a uniform of the Australians and more, I couldn't stand it. I have a phobia for confirmity and this epitomises it. Fortunately, I found Timbuk2 and all my stuff and belongings are once again being carried around with dignity and pride.

The only reason I was at the crumpler warehouse was because Eunice wanted to get a present for someone. *shudder*
So, after that trip to the crumpled nonsense shop (yes crumpled. no typo) we headed home for dinner. As usual, Summer was being a pain and wouldn't stop yepping and whining while we ate. That dog has got some attitude problems. She wasn't brought up properly and is now a spoilt irritating piece of crap. Who knows what was her owner doing when he was growing her. Growing her? hmmmmm, how else do you say bringing her up? She wouldn't stop yepping and whining even after dinner when we were watching our weekly dose of good o'l japanese Anime. She was just demanding attention non stop! I got so fed up with her noise that I put her in a corner and kept her there. Big mistake, coz she decided to Pee all over in the corner on the floor. I'm telling you, she did it on purpose to piss me off. And she did. Though I sustained a few bites and scratches, I walloped her good. She's pretty scared of me now coz she walks with her tail in between her legs and scampers off when she sees me. Discipline is what I call that. So here I am, typing wth injured hands.
Naruto and Bleach are really fine cartoons. No, i'm not too old for cartoons. These Japanese animators/artists are really good! I don't think I can ever watch another American cartoon or Disney or anything like that. Go and watch! You'll only understand when you experience it yourself first hand.
Hmmm, no cell group this weekend. I really enjoy hanging out with the bunch from cell. All pretty colourful, interesting and diverse charachters. Just a random thought. righto. later.....
Anyhow, we decided to head over to the crumpler warehouse over at glenferrie road down in Hawthorn. What an absolute disappointment! The prices went exactly "warehouse" prices. Hell, the designs weren't even nice at all! Crappy design, crappy product. ( I know i'm pissing off a lot of crumpler fans out there, but I don't care! wahahahaha) I can't believe I used to carry one of those bags. I remember when i first got one years ago, hmmm, 4 years ago I reckon. I loved it so much then!

Ok, I'll admit, its a nice bag, pretty functional, good size, ok materials. I even went on to buy another a year later! But then, suddenly, EVERYONE had a crumpler bag. And I mean EVERYONE. Every school kid, everyone in uni, everyone on the streets, even the toddlers in their prams had one while they were being pushed in the park by crumpler toting GRANDMAS! Suddenly the sling bag that I loved became a uniform of the Australians and more, I couldn't stand it. I have a phobia for confirmity and this epitomises it. Fortunately, I found Timbuk2 and all my stuff and belongings are once again being carried around with dignity and pride.

The only reason I was at the crumpler warehouse was because Eunice wanted to get a present for someone. *shudder*
So, after that trip to the crumpled nonsense shop (yes crumpled. no typo) we headed home for dinner. As usual, Summer was being a pain and wouldn't stop yepping and whining while we ate. That dog has got some attitude problems. She wasn't brought up properly and is now a spoilt irritating piece of crap. Who knows what was her owner doing when he was growing her. Growing her? hmmmmm, how else do you say bringing her up? She wouldn't stop yepping and whining even after dinner when we were watching our weekly dose of good o'l japanese Anime. She was just demanding attention non stop! I got so fed up with her noise that I put her in a corner and kept her there. Big mistake, coz she decided to Pee all over in the corner on the floor. I'm telling you, she did it on purpose to piss me off. And she did. Though I sustained a few bites and scratches, I walloped her good. She's pretty scared of me now coz she walks with her tail in between her legs and scampers off when she sees me. Discipline is what I call that. So here I am, typing wth injured hands.
Naruto and Bleach are really fine cartoons. No, i'm not too old for cartoons. These Japanese animators/artists are really good! I don't think I can ever watch another American cartoon or Disney or anything like that. Go and watch! You'll only understand when you experience it yourself first hand.
Hmmm, no cell group this weekend. I really enjoy hanging out with the bunch from cell. All pretty colourful, interesting and diverse charachters. Just a random thought. righto. later.....
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