Yo peeps! Everyone's feeling fine I hope. I know I'm feeling awesome deep down inside, but on the outside......Oh my poor achey sore body. So Eunice and I decided to take advantage of the amazing value for tertiary students up in
Mt Buller . Yup, tertiary students get an amazing 50% discount on lift passes every Tuesday! Thats like $42 to ski/board on Mt buller for the whole day, Groovy.

Besides, we bought our own gear so better make it worthwhile ya? There's my snowboard. Its an Option Redline 162 fitted with Technine's Dominator Pro bindings. Its a pretty sweet ride. Responsive, smooth, and very fast. In fact, I think its too fast. It goes faster than my body does, and thats not a good thing. All my previous snowboarding experiences have been on rented boards and somehow they seem more urmmmm.....forgiving? They take a while to get up to speed, and the bite of an edge didn't come as drastically as my redline. With this board, a tiny mistake on my edging will send me plunging into the snow and knocking the wind out of my body. Did I mention it takes off like a jet already? I guess its kinda like one of those wild horses you always see in the movies thats throwing people off all the time, and some cowboy has to really struggle to tame it? Yup, I've gotta tame this beast. Gotta learn how to control it properly.
So anyway, we had an awesome time at the snow. The weather was great, the snow was amazing and it wasn't too crowded. Eunice got in more runs than me though. She's always zooming off on her skis. What a showoff. Its great to be having fun at the top of the mountain. The scenery is breathtaking I tell ya. Its all worth it. Even though I'm aching all over and I have a few bruises and a sore bum. We managed to take some pictures but I'm too lazy to post them up here. Besides, you can see most of them at
Eunice's blog. I can't wait for next week when we hit the snows once again at
Fall's Creek with the
MUMSU gang. Let it snow, let it snow, let it sssnnnnooooowwwwwww!
Time for bed! Later~
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