Wow time really flies doesn't it? At the blink of an eye, we're already at week 5 of the semester. The last semester of my engineering degree here in Australia's Monash University. Yikes. We're also in the middle of the snow season. I don't want the season to end. While we're at the topic of stopping time, I might as well declare that I don't want this semester to end! No, not in the negative sense like I fail or anything, I just want to slow time a bit and savour this last semester. It such an awesome semester! It so relaxed. The workload is manageable. The stress level isn't high enough to make me wanna jump through the roof. And I can go snowboarding every other week!
And snow..... Man, I'm addicted to the snow! I wish the season would never end. The mountain and the ski resorts should have snow all year round. That'll be awesome man. Maybe I should migrate to the arctic or antarctic regions. Are there any mountains there? I was toying with the idea of working in the states from December to March but it doesn't look very promising since the organization in charge of the exchange program is only offering it to students who will be enrolled in a full load of studies after their return. Bastards. Maybe I can find some other avenue to go work in the American ski resorts. Anyone got any ideas?
Are there polar bears in antarctica or the arctic or both? hmmmmm.

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