Hey y’all!
I killed a bee today. Took me a while but I got rid of the bug eventually. It must’ve flown in when Eunice came by for dinner. A lot of patience was required along with lightning quick reflexes. I must’ve been standing under the kitchen light for about 7 minutes and 33 seconds before I got the perfect opportunity to swipe at the bee with all my might and my latest issue of wake-boarder magazine. It flies around pretty quickly these bees. And they love buzzing right by your ears to irritate you. Therefore, I have decided that instead of having to go through what I’ve been through.... I shall provide some insight on how to handle a rogue bee that has invaded your home to terrorize you.

1) Keep a black bear as a pet: Black bears are one of the bees’ natural predators and enemies. Not only do the bears destroy the bees’ nest to gain access to honey, they eat bees in the process as well! Great to nuzzle and snuggle into after a stressful day of work too.

2) Grow a giant carnivorous plant in the house: Various species of plants are carnivorous and they usually prey on small insects and other creepy crawlies though there have been accounts of unfortunate deaths for clumsy birds and tiny mammals. For best results, grow the genetically mutated, extreme giant kind that will eat bees like we eat peanuts.

3) Dress as a Giant flower pot head: This will allow you to fool the bee into thinking that you are its natural source of food, hence coming into a close enough proximity for you to smack it without too much hassle.
So, with summer approaching, its time to be prepared coz the bugs will be out in full force. Good luck and God bless.
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