I could hear my heart pounding in my chest. Did I dare venture out of my office? I knew I had to, it was my responsibility to know what was going on before I could plan my next move. Gingerly, I twisted the door knob and stepped quietly into the corridor, my eyes darting left and right to make sure I was safe.
There was a putrid smell in the air. The walls of the corridor were stained with all sorts of filth imaginable. I looked around in the dimly lit corridor to survey the evidence of the mayhem that was in progress. I took quick short breathes to try to calm myself down but the flickering fluorescent tubes were playing on my nerves. Some parts of the corridor were not even lit. I made my way to the staircase and slowly descended, into what seemed like hell.
The whole terminal was swarming with them. They looked vaguely human. With their hollow eyes and discolored teeth, they drag their scrawny frames along in an uncoordinated and zombie-ish movement. Their slimy, skeletal hands clawing at whatever they can grab on to. But its not the way that these "living-dead" moved that was eerie, it was the sounds. The guttural groans and moans that drone out from them could chill you to the bone. The screams of their victims add to the horror that was being played out right in front of my eyes.
I could not stay there for too long. I had to keep moving fast to prevent them from getting me. I dashed out from the stairwell and made a break for the abandoned cafeteria. I could hide from view for a few seconds behind the counter to decide where I could run to next. "Gak...Groagh!" I narrowly missed getting puked on as I athletically leapt over the counter. The disgusting things will spew crap at you from their mouths in a half cough half vomit motion. Best to stay out of reach from that. I tumbled out from my hiding place and scampered for the entrance to the check-in hall. I could see four to five of the monstrosities crouched over a limp man in uniform. He was slumped over and I could barely make out the immigrations uniform before it was all ripped to bits. Nothing could save that man now. I pressed on.
Carefully avoiding the broken glass and ripped luggage bags with their contents strewn all over, I finally arrived to the checkpoint where the security would normally screen passengers and bags. The area was abandoned and I could see the sparks spewing from the trashed X ray machine. There were bits of organic looking lumps splattered all over, whether they used to be human or not I could not tell. What I did know was that the sterile area was breached. The entire terminal had fallen and I no longer knew if my team or even the security personnel were alive. It was hopeless.
Flinging a metal chair at the moaning zombie crawling towards me on my right, I decided that continuing any further would be pointless. I had to find an alternate solution, but more importantly, I had to stay alive and being out here was not helping me at all. In frustration, I smashed another metal chair on the same zombie's face and jumped over it to head back to the safety of my office. I sprinted all the way back to the staircase and up to my office without looking back.
Slamming the door shut, I was about to topple a heavy shelf at the door to barricade it when the door swung open! Was I too slow? I grabbed the nearest chair and was about to use all my might to fling it at whatever was coming through the door when I saw that it was one of my staff!! He was alive!!!
"Boss, aircraft off chocks at 2045. On time."
Great! All is well then. I then proceeded to pack up my bag to head home after another long day at work.