AND1 needs no introduction as a premier brand for basketball shoes and apparel. Famous for decking out athletes with a particular prowess for basketball finesse, they have gone one step further by collaborating with Hummer's popular 4WD vehicle - the H1, to add some fuel guzzling power and creating the ultimate basketball bling machine - the H1AND1.

Show up in one of these babies at your next match and you can be assured that your opponents will go limp and feverish at the sheer sight of its power. Even your fans will cough and gasp in adoration, as if the wind has been sucked out of their lungs. The cheers and screams that you will receive will definitely cause sore throats later and some fans have even been known to suffer from chills, headaches and fatigue just by being near the H1and1. You'll easily crush your opponents as they collapse with respiratory problems.
If Arnold Schwarzenegger had the H1and1 when filming terminator, he'll be saying "I'll be back......with my H1and1 so prepare to die from respiratory failure and high fever". Potent stuff. So what are you waiting for! Go visit your nearest Hummer dealer today and get some H1and1! *Made in Mexico.

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