In fact, I reckon if there's any complaining to be done, it should be by Garfield about me. I'm always listening to music or watching movies at my computer way past his bed time. All the lights are switched on and the sub woofer is always booming. Hardly a conducive environment to snooze. Poor little Garfield has to endure my noise.

Garfield is also a very smart cat. I just found out the other day that he's been using my mac when I'm out at work! He even created a facebook account for himself. Sneaky fella.

All in all, I'm glad I've got him for company here. He's definitely broken the monotony of life in Jeddah. I hope you guys get to meet Garfield one day. I'm sure you guys will love him too. I'll end off here and leave you with a picture of Garfield and I.

LOL!! He looks Soooooo adorable & garam falling asleep sitting upright! Its hilarious!! And the facebook one! Its a winner!! LOL!! Smoochies huggies for Garfield!!
The last pic is such a winner!'ve got to bring him back to Singapore okei...
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