Thursday, December 18, 2008

launch the lunch lunge

December is usually my favorite month of the year. But not this year. I've had a non-existent birthday. I crashed the car. Work has been really tough and I'm gonna spend Christmas alone in a country that bans Christmas. Yippee.

Well after a particularly tough day, I told my staff that I had enough of this shit and we should all go out and get some lunch. Bring me somewhere with good food I said. So they did. It was a lebanese place that specialised in lebanese cuisine and fresh fruit juice. Sounds pretty good I thought, until I saw the menu.

Sheep balls? What in the world? But the next page gets worse....

Yes I'll have a dish of brain please, but I can't decide which will go better with sheep balls, tongue or tongue fatta? No of course I did not order any of that. Its easy to be miserable in Saudi Arabia without the help of a lebanese chef. Just the chicken kebab and lamb BBQ for me thanks.