Thursday, May 13, 2010

She said Yes!

Greetings Y'all!

Now, some of you might already know, I am ENGAGED! No, not in the way where you can't get me on the telephone. Engaged in the way where the love of my life has agreed to marry me! Woooo, marriage. Such a big, grown up word. Shocking how time flies and I have reached the point where I decide to spend the rest of my life with someone special.

The relationship has been fantastic and I knew it was time to take it up a notch. So some time back, I decided that I was gonna propose. However, as with any proposal, I had to go get a nice shiny rock first. Which makes me wonder, who the hell started this tradition of proposing with a diamond anyway? I sure would like to meet him to discuss this trend in a boxing ring.

Anyway traditions aside, I looked around and had my eyes glittered to the point where everything I saw had a fuzzy shimmer. People, cars, birds, the bird shit on my car - all shimmering. But I did find the right stone. Looking at it through a loupe was like being transported into a kaleidoscope of brilliant colors from dispersed light, trapped in crystal. Of course this was no mere crystal, it was a diamond. A precious stoned formed by immense pressure over a long period of time, consisting of a clear and colorless crystalline of pure carbon. The hardest naturally occurring substance in the world. Although, with the astronomical price of the diamond, I wondered if it was even from this world. "You sure its not some alien carbon from Jupiter?" I asked as I handed over my money. Ka-Ching!

Well, I got the diamond set and then kept it nicely in my safe for a while. Then on Celine's birthday, it hit me! It was like an angel was whispering into my ear. Actually it was Garfield meowing at me to feed him even though it wasn't his meal time, but somewhere in my heart, I felt that it was time to propose.

And so after dinner, we went back to her place and just when she was resting her eyes, I whipped out the ring and popped the question. Celine went from droopy eyed sleepy head to wide awake dinner plate eyes. The look of shock and surprise told me that I had caught her off guard. She got over it quickly and ecstatically shouted YES! We must've hugged and laughed for at least 27 mins before she scampered off to tell her family the news. Garfield looked at her ring and then meowed for food. Obviously not a fan of sparkly things.

So that's it. I am engaged to Celine and this is my happy ever after. Just wanted to share this happy moment with you people who read my blog and I hope that sometime soon, I'll be posting pictures of the wedding! So stay tuned, take care and God bless!


CL said...

Hahahhaa, fuzzy bird shit shimmer??!!
I wonder which part of the world this little thing came from. Is it as astronomical as your pp??

Unknown said...

OMIGOSH!!!!!!!! I can't believe I only found out now!!
I haven't even finished reading your blog post...haha....CONGRATS both of you! :)

Unknown said...

Btw, you are having it in Singapore right?
Cos if u are holding some major ooh la la wedding in Barcelona, you've gotta lemme know way in advance so I can save like mad okei ... although knowing you, you'll prob say something about not inviting me. Sigh.