Saturday, April 22, 2006

Dream of Randomy

My head was buried in a nice big fluffy pillow and I was hugging my soft comfy bolster. The giant quilt wrapped around me doubled as both a mattress under me and a blanket keeping me warm. And there I was lying down on the lift landing in between 2 lifts on the 12th floor of some apartment.

I was constantly looking at my mobile phone wondering when Melissa would call. I was also trying to recall what floor she lived on ( Melissa lives in a landed house at Chaun Drive dumbo.). I was on the 12th floor, but I had the feeling that she actually resided on the 10th. Then I decided, I didn't want to lie down there anymore coz its dirty and totally weird to be lying on the floor with a pillow, a bolster and a quilt in a public area ( no shit einstein ). So I got up and pressed the down button for the elevator.

When it arrived, I got in, carrying my pillow, bolster and quilt in a huge bundle. As I was walking through the doors hugging my bundle, 2 people rushed into the lift, almost shoving me aside in the process. For some reason I could tell they were brother and sister. Maybe coz they looked alike. They both had slightly deformed looking faces, well not really deformed, but they had features that were not normal. It was kinda like features of mentally retarded people. I tried not to make eye contact even though I was kinda peeved at them for being so rude. They started talking in English, but I couldn't understand a single word they uttered.

The elevator stopped at the 10th floor and a lady got in. She was slightly on the bulky side and she was dressed very plainly. She was also carrying a black leather sling bag. For some funny reason she stood right in front of me. Her face straight at my face. I couldn't help but notice that she had a cleft upper lip. The elevator went down a floor and suddenly she muttered, "Darren? Don't you remember me?" My brain was sent racing. Who was this woman? Was she from my advanced diploma course? The one I took during my army days? "Are classmate?" I stuttered. She used both hands to pull me to a corner of the elevator. " We went Mt.Buller together remember? don't tell me you've forgotten?" she said. Her eyes seemed to reflect a pained emotion, as if I had hurt her for not remembering her.

"Buller?" I muttered and then the elevator reached the ground floor. Everyone got out of it and the odd sibling pair walked off. I was left there standing in front of this mystery woman, trying to recollect all my snowboarding trips. I couldn't place her anywhere. And then I woke up.

I was having another totally weird, random and nonsensical dream. I've been getting a lot of it lately. I wonder why. Maybe I'm going insane. AND NOW I CAN'T GO BACK TO SLEEP COZ I'M SO AWAKE!!! AAARRRGGGGHHHHH. so here I am documenting my dream. Sheesh.

On a side note, the song "breathe" by Anna Nalick is totally awesome! Just wanted to share this with all my fellow music lovers out there. LAter.

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