Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Adios Amigos!

Hello everyone!

Today's post is dedicated to the guys whom I worked with in Jeddah. I've worked with many people in my life, but none are quite like this bunch. They came from all walks of life, all sorts of backgrounds. Whether they were victims of circumstance, or just plain adventurous, they all came to make a living.

No where else have I seen a collection of Arabs, Pakistanis, Indians, Sri Lankans, Bangladeshis, Filipinos, Yemeni etc etc working together harmoniously towards a common goal. Ok, harmonious would be really stretching it. More often then not, it was like a cacophonous riot than a melodious harmony. However, we were still a team.

Yes it was a tough and challenging experience for me in Jeddah, and sometimes these guys contributed to the hardships I faced. However, its also these same guys that helped me get through it. I sincerely believe that they were genuinely trying their best despite having daunting limitations due to the infrastructure, the imbecilic authorities or even their personal problems. The fact that they were also in a foreign land, trying to make sense of the madness is not lost on me.

At the end of the day, they came through. Every now and then, they would infuriate me. But they also made me laugh, helped me when I was in need of it and respected me as the manager of the team. I won't forget that. Thanks for the rock and roll amigos!

The "Eh!?!?" Team
The JEDSQ airport team and my successor
The last time I go through this boarding gate

1 comment:

CL said...

Awww.. i love your posts! Keep them coming honey!