Sunday, February 12, 2006

blogger's blog block

As I sit on my bean bag, lazily strumming my guitar, wondering what exactly is happening with my life right now, I've come to realise that events of late are really messing up my vibe. Its cramping my style and I have to break out of it. You'd think that after living 26 years of life, you'd be able to master it and yet somehow, I still find myself grappling with situations day to day, barely surviving. Here's a messy jumble of thoughts thats going through my head right now.

PR in Melbourne? Or head home to Singapore and get a job there? What a tuffy. this is like a life altering multi shake up decision to make. I'm still looking at the piece of paper with the pros and cons of each, and its still a mind boggle for me.

Guarding your heart? what does that mean? surpressing your feelings and not letting it develop any fondess or attraction to someone?

Why are there 3 chinamen living in the house next door, and not 3 exotic european supermodels on an exchange program? And why would the chinaman leave his trash bin in the middle of the driveway? doesn't he know the driveway is there coz there are cars moving in and out?!

different people live according to different standards and rules, and when you find yourself drawing closer to them, you gotta be careful to know what those rules and expectation are if not you're gonna ge burned. better still. don't draw close to anyone at all! go figure.

I love writing letters. but my handwriting has changed. again.

should i restring my guitar? i feel so lazy.

Even good friends and leaders can fail you and mess you up. the only person you can trust totally is yourself, but i'm not too sure about that too.

Its late and i should be getting back to bed.

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