Saturday, August 27, 2005

reverse psychomotonosismambojumbo

Wow! Its been a while eh?

As with every other week, my whole cell group will all go out and have dinner together after church service. This week we found ourselves at this place call Nasi Lemak House off Lygon street. The food was alright. Still no where close to the REAL Nasi Lemak back home in Singapore. (Boon lay Market....droool, changi village.......droooooooool). The meal I ordered was supposed to come with a sweeter sambal/chilli according to the waitress. Sweeter my @$$. It was HOT. I decided it was a ploy to make me buy more drinks.

But the point is, we started talking about our weight and how we've gained/lost weight after coming to Australia. Personally, my weight has been fluctuating ever since I came here. I've always felt that I could afford to put on more, and I did initially. Those were good times, I was pretty happy. However, I seem to be losing weight again and that sucks. I think its coz I sleep too much. Maybe I've been snowboarding too much and the cold makes my body burn fats faster. Even Eunice wants me to beef up certain areas of my anatomy.

So I was thinking. I've got a really funky reversed growth algorithm in me. Since young, I've been eating a LOT, and I never ever seem to put on weight. After I entered the army and was put through hard physical training and stuff, I actually started gaining weight and I really toned up a lot. Maybe its because of the good sleeping habits and fixed balanced diet that was implented regimentally. After army, I continued regular excercise on my own time during uni in NTU ( I was in the wakeboarding club see, had to stay fit). After coming to Australia, I started becoming lazy and now I feel like I'm bulging in the wrong places and I don't feel as healthy and fit anymore.

Basically, I say reverse algorithm because:
1) Sleeping too much makes me lose weight (sleeping makes you tall though)
2) Eating a lot does not make me gain weight
3) Excercise helps me gain weight

But the bottom line still remains the same. I have to sleep regular hours, eat proper balanced meals and excercise regularly to get back into shape. Its never easy huh.

On a side note, I'm returning to falls creek for a weekend snow outing with eunice, howard, rebecca and reb's dad! Awesome! I can't wait! Dear God, please bless falls creek with an awesome cover of snow so that I can enjoy great fellowship with friends and nature when I get there. AMEN!

let it snow! blizzard!!! until Friday.

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