Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Curiouser and curiouser

Hey Y'all!

Don't you guys just love blogs? You get to read all the interesting thoughts and happenings of people around you. Sometimes, you get to see a totally different side of a person from his/her entries in a blog. Anyhow, I'm sure many of you read and enjoy Eunice's blog. I'm a fan too. Her entries are always so animated and chirpy and fun. But did you know that she's also really competitve by nature? She hates it when I come up with an entry that has the potential of being more interesting than hers! Its nothing serious, just some fun and friendly competition though I have a slight advantage with my computer techie know how (eg. my comic strips) haha.

But recently, she's been sneaky and coming up with material that is *ahem* inspired by yours truely and using it for her own entries! Take this recent blog entry for an example:

The picture on the right is taken from a comic strip I made ages ago. Its in my June archive I believe. Now compare the posture, expression and hand gestures to the recent picture of her in the picture on the left thats found in her latest blog entry. Curious isn't it?

Anyhow, she's still the cutest ever.Haha, just some nonsensensical and useless banter from me, who should be in bed right now if I wanna get up in time to meet my thesis partner tomorrow morning! Later~


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Darren said...

Sheesh, so much crap spam on blogs' comment pages now. when and where will it end?

Mr. Shane Pereira said...

hahaha u are so full of shit brudder. how is yous?

Darren said...

Shane Muh Man! I'm good. Happening eh you? Come to Autralia never visit me.