Monday, September 12, 2005

Morning Man!

Wow~! I've been up and about since 8:30am! What a dynamic change in lifestyle! I Can actually hear the birds chirping! Its kinda gloomy though, not a bright sun shiny morning, typical melbourne weather.

The bloody date and time stamp thingy at the top of this post is wrong! Hmmmm, maybe its set to American time. Who knows?

Anyhow, it feels good to be awake in the morning for a change. I was getting fed up of waking up around 1~2pm everyday (even though i can't help it.....). Half the day is wasted by the time I get up, very unproductive. But then here I am, wondering, what do I do now? Sure, I can do some reading for the ONLY subject I have this sem, but should I really be squinting and put my eyes through the strain of reading the tiny print of my lecture notes? Besides, I'm gonna head down to uni later to meet a tutor to ask him some questions regarding my assignment. That should constitute to the required amount of work for today. Haha.

I feel so unmotivated. When I started this semester, I thought to myself, "Alright, you only have one subject this sem. Heaps of time to study. So, what you gonna do, is keep up with the lectures and do your tutorials on time and read the notes consistantly and it'll be a breeze." That was total crap man. I'm sure all you students (and ex-students) out there can relate. Or am I the only one?

How many times have you made a resolution and churned out a masterplan at the beginning of the semester, and everything looks and feels like its so well thought out and nothing can go wrong? Well, by mid semester, you realise you still don't know anything and you're behind schedule and you feel like you have to study a lot. At the end of the sem, you study and cram like mad for exams and you promise yourself it won't happen again next sem coz you're gonna stick to the plan the next time. And the cycle repeats itself till you run out of semesters to go through. Sounds familier?

Why? I'm like this human ball of anti movement inertia. And whats worse is that my brain screams at me everyday! I'm always thinking of getting the tutorial done and reading the notes and all that, but thats it, I think. Sigh, I'm in the wrong profession. Fortunately, I'm doing ok in uni, and I produce pretty decent grades. But think about how much more I can achieve! I mean, if I only set my mind and direct my passion towards school, how great would my grades be?? I could be an awesome mechanical robot nerd acedemia superhero! Ack.

Oh well, I am what I am. Whatever.

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