Saturday, January 14, 2006

D is sick

Argh, the flu bug has got me. How could this have happened? Sigh there are just too many people crammed into the same space at any given moment I tell ya. Thats Singapore. Gross. It makes it so easy for the virus to jump from one person to another like fleas jumping from dog to dog.

It doesn't help that I've been sleeping weird hours and not excerising much too. My resistance to the pesky bug must be at an all time low. I seldom get sick! What a sucky feeling. The fever kept me tossing and turning last night and my brain was getting fried! I kept thinking about how to convert poker chips into money! how random and totally whack is that?? now I've got a scratchy throat and a drippy nose. and my joints are achy too. Sigh.

You guys better take care of yourself. Eat more fruits and drink heaps of water! I'll be back in no time. AAAHHHHCCCHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOO!

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