Sunday, January 01, 2006

Remember Lot's wife

At the blink of an eye, 2006 has arrived. As I was driving home alone along the ECP after rushing around to numerous places and dropping friends off, I decided to put the car into slow cruise control and reflect on what 2005 has meant for me.

For starters, I got into a great church where I made a great new bunch of friends. Some of them have left deep impressions in my life and I know that they're friends for life. I also drew closer to God in the process. Amen!

I graduated and wrapped up the acedemic chapter of my life. I got my Engineering degree. With honors too! I had a shaky start and thank God I've made it and ended strong. Again, I made a great bunch of friends from Monash and I'll never forget the times we had together.

I've stepped up a few notches in my passion for snowboarding and what an amazing winter i had in 2005! At least I didn't become boring and dormant in Australia. I managed to introduce more people to the amazing sport of wakeboarding in the last 3 days of 2005! And I wakeboarded properly as well and got some decent water time. I feel so healthy now. haha.

but as with any other year, its never ever smooth sailing. I've been thrown into a confusing and ambiguous stage of my life since i graduated and I also ended a turbulent relationship.

and then I remembered what I heard in church on new year's eve. Lot's wife turned into a pillar of salt when she looked back at the destruction of Sodom. God never meant for us to look back. Don't look back at your past sins that have been forgiven, don't look back at the hurt you were dealt, don't look back at past victories and be contented. and don't look back at one more thing but I cannot remember (I really should bring a notebook to church from now on!). But its ok, coz pastor prayed for a blessing of forgetfulness for us to forget all the bad things in our lives. (maybe it was too effective and made me forget the 4th thing that you shouldn't look back on?)

So yeah! 2006 is looking good for me. its gonna be an awesome year and I'm looking up to God for guidance and i'm looking forward to the adventures that await me! HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE AND HAVE A SMASHING 2006!

1 comment:

Sharon Chew's blog said...

yes, start taking notes!
law of retention - write down what u wanna remember. :)

anyway, the last one u forgot is "don't look back on old conflicts that make you bitter."

good entry!
it's a great start to a new year yah? :)
woo hoo to 2006!
