Wednesday, November 16, 2005

every end is a new beginning

Wow, time flies. I cannot believe that I have completed the gargantuan task of achieving an engineering degree. I remember thinking at the beginning that I still have a long way to go before I step into the realm of adulthood. I thought that it would be a while before I had to handle the responsibilites of a real adult. That time is now.

So where did the time go? It whizzed past in a flash. Its like some cosmic space time continuum that flows into an infinite entity that has no return. At the blink of an eye, I have reached the point where suddenly, the path isn't clear nor fixed. Whats next on the cards? Where are the instructions? Sure, I have some ideas of where I could head towards, but I'm not holding a definite map. Man, this is driving my mind nuts.

I was settled into my beanbag just the other day, a cold beer in my left hand, Buble playing through the living room stereo. I was reflecting in the dark about the journey that just concluded. Its really been a roller coaster ride down here in Melbourne. My first year of uni in Monash was an absolute disaster. I remember the insomnia and the frustration. Breaking out in cold sweat and panicing that I may have made another bad decision to study engineering here. So many times I pondered if I should switch courses. Friends telling me that I was nuts and I just needed to relax a little.

Seriously. God sent me a bunch of friends that really helped me through my entire uni course. Suddenly the lonliness and uncertainty was taken away from me and I actually felt that things would turn out fine. To my buddies studying ECSE in Monash, you guys rock and a big thanks to you all. Not only did we make it through the course together, but we went through some pretty awesome times.

God. I know for sure that I am slowly getting closer to God after coming to Australia. In fact, I think I'm closer to God than I've ever been. He works in the most amazing ways. Ways that you can never comprehend till you see the end of it. Though better late than never, I've managed to immerse myself in an awesome church and an amazing cell group filled with dynamic and inspirational people. These guys have really made a huge impact in my life and I wanna thank all of you for being the great bunch that you are.

So where do I go from here? I don't know. Life is full of questions with no answer booklet. Day after day I ask God and I know that I'll find my footing in due time. Its tough growing up. Time to step up unto the next adventure. Time to get a move on.

1 comment:

Sharon Chew's blog said...

Si, man!
Woo hoo...the challenge is that we're writing our own answer booklet huh? God's perfect will can have quite a wide circumference, which makes life oh-so-exciting!

I've no doubts that you'll step into your next adventure with as much garang-ness as you've shown this year. Go for it man! Have fun! :)