Saturday, November 26, 2005

Spring cleaning

The problem with digital cameras, you become trigger happy. So many pictures to delete. You can't just burn them like the good o'l low-tech times.

So many gifts/memorabilia to stash away. You know, things you can't really throw, but don't really want around anymore.

So much unfinished business to settle.

So much belongings to return.

The problem is, how do you get rid of the memories thats stored in your brain? Sure there are good ones. But the good ones actually make you sad and bring on the bad ones.

How to reset, and go back to a time when everything was fine and dandy? To a time where you can prevent a mistake from happening. How?

Lonely nights with insomnia and an active mind are the worst.

1 comment:

Sharon Chew's blog said...

I just watched a movie called Final Cut. And it was about how people can remake their memories, so they'd be good and acceptable. So freaky. :P

No mistakes, no lessons, no growth, no life.