Sunday, November 06, 2005

Final Cell Group meeting, Final exam, finally.

What great timing.

Here I am tying up loose ends for my exam preperations, and I am running a fever! My nose has become watery, my eyes are hot and my body feels like a car radiator. Sigh, studying for this one and only paper is gonna be slow. Fortunately I've done most of my preperation already. But I also had other things to do. I had to prepare for the final cell group meeting. I was given emcee duties, along with band duty, tribute DVD and a bit of game preperaation. Never would I have imgined that I'd be so involved in a cell group. but it was an awesome experience. It was great working with you guys and I think we pulled it off pretty well considering that most of us were in the midst of exams and all.

But I think its taken a toll on my health. i need AIR-CONDITIONING!!!

Can you guys pray for my exam and that God will get me through this?

More pictures and details of the final CGM in the next post after exams. What a blast it was!

In the mean time, here's a cool exam picture I found at Randy's site.It kinda translates how I feel right now....


1 comment: said...

hahaha i love that picture!!!! made me laugh.... yeah i really hate exams. Im so glad Im out of school